Archive: February 25, 2021

A Little Potpouri In The Gaming World

We found some interesting games as well as hilarious. The following game is at your own risk and would be a smelly game if were to come to life. It is Porta-Push. You got it; it is trying to push over a porta-potty. You know what those are, right? Those stinking, nasty, public toilets that are free standing. Actually, I would rather wet my pants than have to go into one of those. So spare me this game, I did not find it amusing at all.

Porta-Push starts out by making yourself move by hitting the spacebar. And when I say hit, it is a strong hit. You finally arrive at the porta-potty and then you click and click until it tips over. This is a nowhere going fast game.

Free Rider 2 is a very different game. It has pretty backgrounds and they are very interesting. To enter the game, hit the enter key while your cursor is on the biker. Your arrow keys (ec) propel your vehicle along. You have the choice of having a unicycle, bicycle, truck or helicopter. Now if you right click too much, before you get going along the path, you will do a back flip and die so get that speed up first! This game takes a lot of practice and patience so it is not for the one who wants to win the first time they play a game.

A very artful and fun game we found was Falling Sand. There is multi-colored sand falling about 1 1/2″ apart. You can determine how and where the sands fall my moving your finger along the keypad while holding down the left button. This can very interesting as you continue to draw as the sands fall into or around your object. You can create multiple objects with multiple jigs and jags to fill with the beautiful array of sand. This game can become very creative. So if you are a budding artist or you know of one, turn them on to this game. They will love it. This game will not work with no imagination – so you logical, engineering minds – you might not like this game.

New Sand is an entirely different game. You can choose the type of zombie destruction power you will have; either fire, sand, wax, seed, sprout or a multitude of other special effects. The object of the game is to rid the earth of zombies. You may choose what speed and how many zombies fall or magically appear also. The things that help to slow the zombies down in the fast mode is wax – With the wax, you will fill the screen completely whiting it out. Then the zombies appear from behind the wax clawing their way through. The wax will delay them long enough that you can kill them with the fire. This is a game full of violence and should not be given to children with a violent streak. The effects of all the different modes are quite amazing, but still, you do have to kill the zombies and that is the only point of the game. Doesn’t take a brain scientist to play this game, just someone really sadistic!